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*Dysphagia of solid and liquids.
*Dysphagia of solid and liquids.
*Weight loss.
*Weight loss.
*Multimodal treatment - surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.<ref name=pmid24480403>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Bass | first1 = GA. | last2 = Furlong | first2 = H. | last3 = O'Sullivan | first3 = KE. | last4 = Hennessy | first4 = TP. | last5 = Walsh | first5 = TN. | title = Chemoradiotherapy, with adjuvant surgery for local control, confers a durable survival advantage in adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus. | journal = Eur J Cancer | volume =  | issue =  | pages =  | month = Jan | year = 2014 | doi = 10.1016/j.ejca.2013.12.022 | PMID = 24480403 }}</ref>



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