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==Apocrine metaplasia==
==Apocrine metaplasia==
{{Main|Apocrine metaplasia of the breast}}
*Benign/not significant.  Can be considered to be pretty wallpaper in the house of breast pathology.
*Increased number of mitochondria.
**In other body sites this has different names, e.g. ''[[Hurthle cell change]]'' (thyroid), ''[[oncocytoma|oncocytic]] change'' (kidney - [[oncocytoma]], thyroid).
*Eosinophilic cytoplasm - '''key feature'''.
*Voluminous pink cytoplasm.
*Apocrine snouts may be present.
**Small protrusiona at the apical aspect of the cell (composed of cytoplasm and plasma membrane).
*Central round nucleus
**Prominent nuclear membrane.
**Prominent, often single nucleolus.
*Apocrine changes, i.e. cytoplasmic eosinophilia, can appear in malignant tumours; eosinophilia doesn't make something benign.
Image:Fibrocystic_change_-_very_high_mag.jpg | FCC with apocrine metaplasia (right bottom of image) - high mag. (WC/Nephron).
Image:Breast ApocrineChange HP CTR.jpg|Breast - Apocrine Change - high power (SKB)

==Duct ectasia==
==Duct ectasia==


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