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A small number of finger-like epithelial projections (villi) are noted; however, these
A small number of finger-like epithelial projections (villi) are noted; however, these
appear to comprise less than 20% of the sampled tissue.
appear to comprise less than 20% of the sampled tissue.
=====Barely villous=====
The sections shows colorectal-type mucosa with a tubule-forming epithelium that has
cellular pseudostratification and enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei, from the crypt base to
the luminal aspect (dysplasia).
No cribriforming of glands, epithelial budding or intraluminal papillary tufting is
identified. Goblet cells are present in the dysplastic epithelium. Dysplastic nuclei have
an ellipsoid-shape and basally stratified. 
Finger-like epithelial projections (villi) are present and comprise approximately 55% of
the dysplastic tissue.

====Tubulovillous adenoma====
====Tubulovillous adenoma====