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Image:Congestive_hepatopathy_high_mag.jpg | Mild congestive hepatopathy. (WC)
Image:Congestive_hepatopathy_high_mag.jpg | Mild congestive hepatopathy. (WC)
A.[[File:1 CEN NEC 1 680x512px.tif|PAS without diastase shows ovoids of necrosis {40X).]]<br>
B. [[File:2 CEN NEC 1 680x512px.tif|Necrosis with central vein [yellow arrowhead], inflammatory cells, residual Councilman body [green arrowhead], and hepatocyte with mitotic figure [red arrowhead] (400X).]]
|A.<br> [[File:1 CEN NEC 1 680x512px.tif|PAS without diastase shows ovoids of necrosis (40X).]]
|B.<br> [[File:2 CEN NEC 1 680x512px.tif|Necrosis with central vein [yellow arrowhead], inflammatory cells, residual Councilman body [green arrowhead], and hepatocyte with mitotic figure [red arrowhead] (400X).]]
C. [[File:3 CEN NEC 1 680x512px.tif|Trichrome highlights fibrosis about central vein [yellow arrowhead] & shows beginning scar formation [green arrowheads]. Note residual atrophic hepatocytes [blue arrowheads] (400X).]]
|C.<br> [[File:3 CEN NEC 1 680x512px.tif|Trichrome highlights fibrosis about central vein [yellow arrowhead] & shows beginning scar formation [green arrowheads]. Note residual atrophic hepatocytes [blue arrowheads] (400X).]]
D. [[File:4 CEN NEC 1 680x512px.tif|Portal triads are largely unaffected (400X).]]
|D.<br> [[File:4 CEN NEC 1 680x512px.tif|Portal triads are largely unaffected (400X).]]
Centrilobular necrosis (seen in circulatory failure and with toxins/drugs). A. PAS without diastase shows ovoids of necrosis. B. Necrosis with central vein [yellow arrowhead], inflammatory cells, residual Councilman body [green arrowhead], and hepatocyte with mitotic figure [red arrowhead]. C. Trichrome highlights fibrosis about central vein [yellow arrowhead] & shows beginning scar formation [green arrowheads]. Note residual atrophic hepatocytes [blue arrowheads]. D. Portal triads are largely unaffected (LR 400X)
Centrilobular necrosis (seen in circulatory failure and with toxins/drugs). A. PAS without diastase shows ovoids of necrosis. B. Necrosis with central vein [yellow arrowhead], inflammatory cells, residual Councilman body [green arrowhead], and hepatocyte with mitotic figure [red arrowhead]. C. Trichrome highlights fibrosis about central vein [yellow arrowhead] & shows beginning scar formation [green arrowheads]. Note residual atrophic hepatocytes [blue arrowheads]. D. Portal triads are largely unaffected (LR 400X)
A. [[File:1 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Dilated and undilated sinusoidal regions (40X).]]
B. [[File:2 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Thrombi in sinusoids; glycogenated nuclei likely reflect patient’s diabetes mellitus (400X).]]
C. [[File:3 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Dilated portal vein (400X).]]
D. [[File:4 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Reticulin shows collapse (thick black lines) as well as a dilated portal vein (200X).]]
E. [[File:5 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Trichrome shows space of Disse collagenization (pericellular fibrosis) (200X).]]
F. [[File:6 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Trichrome shows periportal fibrosis; no bridging was seen (200X).]]

|A.<br>[[File:1 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Dilated and undilated sinusoidal regions (40X).]]
|B.<br>[[File:2 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Thrombi in sinusoids; glycogenated nuclei likely reflect patient’s diabetes mellitus (400X).]]
|C.<br>[[File:3 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Dilated portal vein (400X).]]
|D.<br>[[File:4 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Reticulin shows collapse (thick black lines) as well as a dilated portal vein (200X).]]
|E.<br>[[File:5 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Trichrome shows space of Disse collagenization (pericellular fibrosis) (200X).]]
|F.<br>[[File:6 CHF 1 680x512px.tif|Trichrome shows periportal fibrosis; no bridging was seen (200X).]]
Patient with congestive heart failure and stage I fibrosis. A. Dilated and undilated sinusoidal regions. B. Thrombi in sinusoids; glycogenated nuclei likely reflect patient’s diabetes mellitus. C. Dilated portal vein. D. Reticulin shows black lines of bridging, too thick for collapse. E. Trichrome shows space of Disse collagenization (pericellular fibrosis). F. Trichrome shows bridge beginning off to right; when it is more than a mere spike, it is a bridge.
Patient with congestive heart failure and stage I fibrosis. A. Dilated and undilated sinusoidal regions. B. Thrombi in sinusoids; glycogenated nuclei likely reflect patient’s diabetes mellitus. C. Dilated portal vein. D. Reticulin shows black lines of bridging, too thick for collapse. E. Trichrome shows space of Disse collagenization (pericellular fibrosis). F. Trichrome shows bridge beginning off to right; when it is more than a mere spike, it is a bridge.

==See also==
==See also==