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1. Explain how visceral congestions occurs in asphyxia deaths.
# Explain how visceral congestions occurs in asphyxia deaths.
2. Under what circumstances might one expect to find petechiae of the conjunctiva and sclera?
# Under what circumstances might one expect to find petechiae of the conjunctiva and sclera?
3. When petechaie become larger or confluent they are called ecchymoses, describe a circumstance where you might expect this to occur.
# When petechaie become larger or confluent they are called ecchymoses, describe a circumstance where you might expect this to occur.
4. What are three categories of asphyxia death.
# What are three categories of asphyxia death.
5. List 7 general forms of suffocation and give an example of each.  
# List 6 general forms of suffocation and give an example of each.  
a. Entrapment
## Entrapment/Environmental suffocation
b. Environmental suffocation
## Smothering
c. Smothering
## Choking
d. Choking
## Mechanical asphyxia (traumatic/positional/riot crush)
e. Mechanical asphyxia (traumatic/positional/riot crush)
## Traumatic with smothering (overlay/ Burking)
f. Traumatic with smothering (overlay/ Burking)
## Suffocating gases (methane, CO2)
g. Suffocating gases (methane, CO2)
# List and describe three forms of strangulation
6. List and describe three forms of strangulation
## Hanging
a. Hanging
## Ligature strangulation
b. Ligature strangulation
## Manual strangulation
c. Manual strangulation
# Jugular veins 4.4llbs, carotid artery compression occurs at 11lbs, the trachea 33lbs, vertebral arteries 66lb; describe how any of this makes sense and matters…  
7. Jugular veins 4.4llbs, carotid artery compression occurs at 11lbs, the trachea 33lbs, vertebral arteries 66lb; describe how any of this makes sense and matters… List 4 circumstances when you would expect to find fractures of the cervical spine in a hanging?
# List 4 circumstances when you would expect to find fractures of the cervical spine in a hanging?
8. Describe the features of a typical suicidal hanging furrow?
# Describe the features of a typical suicidal hanging furrow?
9. List five features consistent with manual strangulation.  
# List five features consistent with manual strangulation.  
10. List three chemical asphyxiants and three suffocating gases and explain the difference between a suffocating gas and a chemical asphyxiant.
# List three chemical asphyxiants and three suffocating gases and explain the difference between a suffocating gas and a chemical asphyxiant.
11. Describe 5 features of sexual asphyxiation.  
# Describe 5 features of sexual asphyxiation.  
12. Describe 5 features of crucifixion and explain the mechanisms leading to death.  
# Describe 5 features of crucifixion and explain the mechanisms leading to death.  
13. Describe the differences between a choke hold and a carotid hold used by law enforcement personnel.
# Describe the differences between a choke hold and a carotid hold used by law enforcement personnel.